To facilitate the publishing and dissemination of research articles, IJIETAP needs certain publishing rights from authors, which are determined by a publishing agreement between the author(s) and IJIETAP. The Author(s) must formally transfer each article's copyright before publication in the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. The such transfer enables the Journal to defend itself against plagiarism and other forms of copyright infringement.

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The list below explains the rights that authors have when they publish with IJIETAP for authors who choose to publish either open access or subscription. These apply to the corresponding author and all co-authors.

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  1. Retain patent and trademark rights
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  1. Publicly share the Accepted Manuscript (AM) on non-commercial sites.
  2. Publicly share the or Published Journal Articles (PJA).
  3. Retain copyright



Regardless of how the author chooses to publish with IJIETAP, their institution has the right to use articles for classroom teaching and internal training. Articles can be used for these purposes throughout the author’s institution, not just by the author:

  1. Copies can be distributed electronically as well as in physical form for classroom teaching and internal training purposes.
  2. Material can be included in coursework and courseware programs for use within the institution (but not in the massive open online course)
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  5. The Accepted Manuscript (AM) can be stored in the institutional repository after the Embargo period of 2 years from the publication date of the corresponding article.